Cambodia (1mth, may) - Reisverslagen van Pepijn de Graaff - Cambodia (1mth, may) - Reisverslagen van Pepijn de Graaff -
Cambodia (1mth, may)

Start AMS 2mei and via China to the capital city Phnom Penh.
Toa 13.55.
When my Indonesian friend will arrive we will go straight to Siem Reap.
There we will visit a school and give donation. We will go to Angkor Wat and the Floating City. After that we will travel to the south west where we will stay on one of the Island.
When she will leave to Indonesia, I will further travel through Cambodia alone. I have roughly planned to visit Kampot and Kep and go to the national parks. I will return to Siem Reap to visit and donate another school and to meet a guy who wants to be a movie maker.
In Siem Reap I will go to the National park and a butterfly house.
Maybe if I have enough time I will also go to Batambang and somewhere more to the east, although it is harder to travel to there by bus.

Recente Reisverslagen:

05 Mei 2018

2,5 dag in cambodja

Reisverslagen van mijn vakanties

Actief sinds 09 April 2018
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Totaal aantal bezoekers 2126

Voorgaande reizen:

02 Mei 2018 - 29 Mei 2018

Cambodia (1mth, may)

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